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MINRS Book – Kevin Sylvester


The book MINRS has one of the most different and interesting story lines I’ve ever read. I am doing a review for the first book of the MINRS series. It is a great price for just $13 dollars on Amazon and totally worth it. I have read many sci-fi books but none of them compare to MINRS for that price.

The book has an excellent setting of another planet explored by humans to get raw materials and ore. On their planet, after a black out hits they are attacked and the main characters must find a way to survive.

A best seller because:

  • ORIGINAL and thrilling story line
  • CHEAP at only thirteen dollars
  • EXCITING and unexpected plot twists
  • MANY relatable characters you can connect to
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Image result for minrs series
MINRS Series

You can also get the rest of the series MINRS 2 and MINRS 3 from Amazon.

Overall, MINRS was a fantastic read that had me keep reading as the most unexpected plot twists caught me by surprise. I would recommend it to anyone whether you have never read sci-fi before or you are a long time science fiction veteran.

Order now on Amazon HERE:

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